Student Research Assistants
Jasmin Hütter
Franka Jung
Wiebke Klages
Tabea Neumann
Klara Schödl -
Supporting Lecturers
Dipl.-Soz.päd. Dörte Mund
Dr. Andrea Schlesier-Michel -
Prior Chairs of the Department of Developmental Psychology
2015-2017 apl. Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Karina Weichold (Interim Professor)
2014-2015 Prof. Dr. Daniel HaunExternal link
2012-2014 apl. Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Karina Weichold (Interim Professor)
1994-2012 Prof. Dr. Rainer K. SilbereisenExternal link (Professor emeritus)
1987-1994 Prof. Dr. Georg Eckardt